Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learning Log 6

This blog would mostly cover on the literary devices I learnt so far. Altogether there is about 25 literary devices and I am going in detail for each of them.

Firstly, simile.A comparison between two distinctly different things by using 'as' and 'like'. Next, metaphor are qualities of an object that is applied to another.Personification is the attribution of human beings to inanimate objects. Symbol stands for an object that mean something. Next, there is visual means descriptions to do with what we see. Auditory describes what we hear. Olfactory describes our smell. Kinesthetic describes our movement while tactile describes our touch.

Next, is rhyme.The similarity of ending sounds between two words. Rhythm the beat of the pattern of stresses in a passage or poem. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds, to produce a rhythmical effect. Onomatopoeia is the formation of words, which echo the sounds that they describe. Tone is the oral expression of mood, attitude or point of view.

Then, there is connotation stans for the associated images and ideas conveyed by a word. Oxymoron is a single image or idea made up of contradictory images. Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration to emphasize a point or feelings. Paradox is a statement which seems self-contradictory, turns out to be good sense. Simple sentence is a sentence with one main idea. Complex sentence is one or more ideas together with minor phrases or causes. Incomplete sentence are truncated sentences which reflect excitement, action, etc. Exclamation is a strong statement showing emphasis. Rhetorical question is a question that does not require an answer. Repetition stands for using a word multiple times to give emphasis.

Overall, I like symbol the most. From my point of view, I find symbol interesting as it can use an object to signify things. For example, rose signifies love while a black cat signifies bad luck. It is going to take some time for me to memorise this whole lot of literary devices that is for sure.